الخميس، 27 نوفمبر 2014

With Android Lollipop here and bringing 64-bit support with it we fully 

Samsung Galaxy S6 power
Samsung Galaxy S6 power

expect the Galaxy S6 to have a 64-bit processor.
As for which processor specifically that's still rather up in the air, but traditionally it's been equipped with a Snapdragon chip of some variety and both the Snapdragon 808 and Snapdragon 810 are expected to start appearing in devices during the first half of 2015, so one of them seems likely.
The Snapdragon 808 is a six-core 64-bit processor with support for 2K screens, while the Snapdragon 810 is an octa-core 64-bit chip which can power screens of up to 4K resolution.
This includes an Adreno 430 GPU, which is said to be 30% faster than the Adreno 420, so either way it should be in for a boost in terms of gaming and general screen flutterings.
Though it's always possible that it will stick with the Snapdragon 805 that's found in the Galaxy Note 4 - but come on Samsung, surely you'll go harder than that? After all, there's a strong Exynos chip in the Galaxy Alpha, so perhaps Samsung will go for its own chip design for the next flagship.
There's no word on how much RAM it will have, but a 64-bit processor works well when imbued with north of 4GB, so Samsung should be looking to get the best out of its new devices' power range.
Having said that the Galaxy S5 only has 2GB of RAM and even the Galaxy Note 4 has stuck with 3GB, so we'd be surprised if the S6 had more than 4GB - and lest we forget, specs for the sake of specs is never a good thing.
Performance could be given an additional boost in the Samsung Galaxy S6 as reports from South Korea point towards a new type of flash memory which may find its way into the handset.
UFS (short for Universal Flash Storage) provides enhanced data speeds and power consumption savings of up to half compared to the previous generation of memory.

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