الخميس، 27 نوفمبر 2014

News and rumors
News and rumors

We're still almost a year away from the iPhone 6S / iPhone 7 in all likelihood yet the first rumors are already emerging, such is the fervour around Apple's brand.
There's not much to go on yet but it's been suggested by Daring Fireball's John Gruber that the next iPhone will have "the biggest camera jump ever", featuring a two-lens system which apparently brings it up to DSLR quality.
We can even speculate what that camera might be, as Sony has just announced a 21MP stacked CMOS sensor which might fit the bill, especially as Sony currently supplies Apple with camera modules. It's designed to be better able to focus on fast moving objects and includes HDR for 4K video and high-resolution photos.
There's even an outside chance that the camera might feature a lens swap feature, making it even more like a DSLR, as earlier in the year an Apple patent for swappable lenses was uncovered. Though patents don't always turn into products.
There are in fact numerous Apple patents in the wild which haven't yet come to anything, such as one for a phone with a curved display, a little like the Galaxy Note Edge. It's possible that we'll see that in the iPhone 6S, but we'd be very surprised.
Not only would it be a risky move to bring something so untested to market but Apple has just redesigned its handsets with the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, so in all likelihood next year's models will stick to roughly the same design, albeit with beefed up innards, such as a faster A9 processor.

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